Monday, August 25, 2008

The Good, the Braggy and the Ugly...

"Son, there are two kinds of people in this world... those who have guns and those who dig... You dig.." Clint Eastwood....
Fact lies in my perception whether I dig gold or mere dust. Dust is pure silica or gold dust. Mind you that I am not preaching that dust is waste. Believe me.. The world started with dust. To build something you need to start with nothing. But the interesting and most intriguing point is there is nothing called 'Nothing'. One might argue that vacuum is nothing. But guys... do you really know what a vacuum is? How does it look like. Since we do not know what a vacuum really means are we not labeling it as nothing...? Dear me... I might be wrong.. But can we have a different angle of viewing things. Are we supposed to think different things in a same way? Or should we think same things in a different way? Point noted.. Am I telling you to think out of the box? NO.... I am just telling you that there is no concept of a thing called 'Box'. You define boundaries. I say that there is nothing called boundaries. Oh yes!! people say that sky is the limit. Has anyone seen what a sky looks like.? Bloody hell.. Think big...

Now, why this topic??? Three perspective in a person to look at. Whether he is good, bad or ugly..? Ha Ha... Now lets start the fun... What is good is bad for someone which is also disgusting for others. So, are we not having different opinions of a same subject? We do, else the world would be boring. Slayer's 'Angel of Death' is a melody for me. It makes me to sleep well. Do I expect the same behavior in others? If I do I am insane. 2001 Space Odyssey is a fast paced movie. Really? It does get on the nerves of some. Needless to say, human behavior is interesting to research upon.

There is nothing called good and bad. They are mere adjectives. NO. There is a concept of duality in this world. Heaven and Hell, Good and Bad, Male and Female.. many things... If we do not realize this we are morons. Unless there is good there will not be bad. Bad is nothing but something which is not good. It is just the lack of goodness. Who is ugly? Something which is not pleasant. Does it reflect on the outside or the inside? What is outside? It is ethereal... Inside is the spirit which is everlasting.

Hmm... now how to conclude.. Listen guys.. Philosophy is vast.. the more you understand the more complex your life becomes. Forget everything.. Live life to the fullest.. This is my philosophy of life.. After all, you have only one chance to live.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

u following eco ma'am s principles? [:P]
"Do Not Think"

just kidding.. totally appreciate ur idea.